The Straight and Narrow


Have you ever heard someone talk about trying to stay on the “straight and narrow?” The Cambridge Dictionary illustrates the phrase in this way: “The threat of a good beating should keep him on the straight and narrow.”

Often we think about staying on the “straight and narrow” as a way to avoid punishment. But Jesus presents the “straight and narrow” as a path to a rich, joyful life. How do we know if we’re on the straight and narrow, and if we’re not, how do we get on it?

Jewels and Judgment


None of us wants to feel judged, but how often do we sense a critical spirit in ourselves? How often do we judge others?

Most of us would probably say we want to be less judgmental. But how is that possible, when the natural tendency of our lives is to jump to judgment instead of inclining to understanding?

Jesus teaches us three questions we can ask to diagnose our hearts, and it leads us to one central truth: God, the great judge of the universe, judged his own son so that we might be free from judgment.

Life in the Sty


Both Christians and non-Christians love to quote Jesus’ words from Matthew 7, “Judge not.” Nobody wants to be (or feel) judged. But as Jesus points out, we ourselves are quick to judge.

Jesus is not teaching only about an action, but about a heart-level attitude. And he cautions us against applying a higher standard to others than to ourselves. Are there situations in which judgment might be appropriate? And if so, by what standard do we judge ourselves?

Security and Significance


As Jesus finishes his teaching about money and possessions he encourages us, “Do not worry.” To which many of us respond, “Yeah, right.”

Worry figures prominently in many of our lives. We can’t imagine a life without worry, and if we could, we wouldn’t know where to start.

What is worry, where are our worries rooted, and how can we overcome worry? Listen as Jesus teaches us how to find true security and significance.

The Heart and the Credit Card


It’s been said that any pastor who preaches as much about money as Jesus talked about money will be run out of the pulpit.

Jesus had plenty to say about how we earn, spend, save, and give our money. Why does he talk about money so much?

We get a hint in his famous saying, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

God doesn’t need your money; he wants your heart. And your heart and your checkbook (or credit card) are closely intertwined. What does it look like to truly treasure God?

Time Is On My Side?


In the new year we often evaluate the previous year and make plans (resolutions) for the coming year, so that our lives can more closely match our priorities.

In Matthew 6 Jesus gets to the heart of our priorities, forcing each of us to ask ourselves, “What do I truly treasure in life?”

How we spend our time reveals our priorities. How can we spend our time in a way that treasures Christ?

Grace and Hypocrisy


Matthew begins his gospel with a long list of names. Hidden in plain sight among that list are the names of four women—unexpected, and in at least two cases, scandalous.

This morning we conclude by reading about David and “the wife of Uriah” (we know her as Bathsheba). In the face of patent adultery and Nathan’s clever conviction, David responds contritely, repents, and God “takes away his sin.”

Could the same be true of us? Can God take away our sin and our shame simply through confession and turning from sin?

Grace and Vulnerability


Matthew begins his gospel with a long list of names. Hidden in plain sight among that list are the names of four women—unexpected, and in at least two cases, scandalous.

This morning we dig into the story of Ruth, a woman who showed extraordinary trust despite dire events in her life. What does the story of Ruth reveal about her God? And could our hope possibly be even greater than hers?

Grace and Indecency


Matthew begins his gospel with a long list of names. Hidden in plain sight among that list are the names of four women—scandalous not only for their inclusion, but for the stories they represent.

This morning we look at Rahab. Why is she celebrated among Jesus’ ancestors? What is so remarkable about her inclusion in this list? And how does she offer hope to the rest of us?

Thermometers or Thermostats?


In John 17 Jesus prays for his church—both his followers at the time and us. The prayer crescendos on a note of unity. “May they be one,” Jesus implores God.

This morning we think more deeply about Christlike unity. What does true unity look like (without being uniform)? Where does it come from? What is its goal? And is it possible to even approach this kind of unity?

The Spiritual Importance of Washing Your Face


Several months ago we read as Jesus taught (paraphrasing), “When you fast, do not look gloomy, but wash your face!” Jesus makes a point about how we practice our righteousness (in secret), but he also alludes to the spiritual discipline of fasting.

Fasting is not a part of regular life for most people (even most Christians), yet Jesus assumes we will fast. This morning we look specifically at fasting: what is it, why is it still relevant to Christians, and how should we approach this unique discipline?

Pray Until You Pray


“When you pray,” Jesus begins as he teaches about prayer. Jesus assumes we will pray—that prayer will be a part of our daily life. But many of us find prayer to be a difficult discipline. We get distracted, or feel too busy, or don’t know where to start. How do we break through these barriers?

First we have to recognize what prayer is and what prayer is for. Then we can begin to press into prayer.