We Believe

We Believe: The New Creation


Heaven and Hell, End Times, The Next Life. No matter what you call it, we all have questions about it, and although God doesn’t tell us everything about what comes next, he tells us what we need to know. What are some of these things, and how do they affect our lives today? And what about those people who are “so heavenly minded that they’re no earthly good?”

We Believe: God the Father

As Christians we think and talk about God a lot, but what do we actually believe about God? Who is he? What are his attributes? What has he done throughout history? And can an ancient idea like God actually be relevant in the 21st century?

God is more than just an idea; he is the powerful, righteous, and gracious creator and re-creator of everything that exists. This morning we learn some of the most essential Christian beliefs about the first person of the Trinity, God the Father.

We Believe: The Scriptures


There is more information available today than ever before.  And most of that is trying to make you act a certain way.  So how do you know what is true?  How do you know what information will actually help you in your life's purpose?  How do you know what your life's purpose even is?

This morning we remind ourselves why we trust the Bible as our highest authority, and we learn a simple way to study the Bible for ourselves, so we can learn from it directly.