“I thirst,” Jesus said as he neared his final breath. It would be easy to overlook these two words, but they are loaded with significance. What does Jesus’ thirst mean, both for him on the cross, and for us today? Jesus, the living water of God, poured out living water into our souls, emptied himself, and took upon himself the eternal thirst of hell on our behalf, so that we might never be thirsty again.
Seven Last Words: God-Forsaken
One of the most haunting cries in all of Scripture: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” As Jesus hangs there and laments the loss of the presence of God, we can’t help but ask: Did God really forsake Jesus? And if so, does that mean he might forsake me? This morning we hear Jesus’ heart-rending cry and learn why Jesus’ great anguish leads to our great assurance.
Seven Last Words: The Family of God
As he hangs on the cross Jesus tells his mother, somewhat cryptically, “Dear woman, here is your son,” and then immediately to John, his disciple, “Here is your mother.” In saying this he emphasized that his followers—the church—are family. We are not like family; we are family. How does the crucifixion make that possible, and how do we live as family with one another?
Seven Last Words: Today You Will Be With Me In Paradise
“Today you will be with me in paradise,” Jesus promised one of the two criminals who was crucified beside him. This famous promise gives great comfort to Christians, but it also raises questions.
Can God really forgive a death row inmate at the last possible second? Are there crimes or people that God will not forgive? What limits does God’s mercy have?
Seven Last Words: Father, Forgive Them
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
Jesus’ famous cry from Luke 23 is well known, but what is Jesus really asking for? Whom is he asking God to forgive? What does forgiveness look like? Does God actually forgive them? And does God forgive us?
People of the Word for the People of the World
God’s delights most in his own glory, and God is glorified when we know him. This morning we conclude our series in John 17 by addressing one of the most prominent themes in Jesus’ prayer for his disciples: unity.
Why is it important for Jesus’ followers to be unified? Where does unity come from? And what is the goal of unity? Listen to hear more!
People of the Word or People of the World
God’s delights most in his own glory, and God is glorified when we know him. But how do we know God, and not just about him?
The primary way we know God is through his Word – both the scriptures and the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ. This morning we examine the results and promises that God makes when we commit to keeping his word.
The Glory of Knowing God
The greatest joy we can know is to know God. What does knowing God look like? And how do we know God?
As we continue studying Jesus’ prayer in John 17, we see that God doesn’t only want us to know about him; he wants us to know him personally.
Glory: God's Deepest Desire
The Westminster Shorter Catechism begins this way: “What is the chief end of man?”
”To glorify God and enjoy him forever.”
We might also ask, “What is the chief end of God?”
This morning we explore God’s deepest desire, and we see how God’s passion for his own glory is our greatest good.
Wisdom from Proverbs: Covenants and Glue (Healthy Sexuality)
With so many different voices shouting their view of sexuality to us, and with cultural understandings of sex constantly changing, how do we know what to believe about sex?
This morning we conclude our series in Proverbs by studying God’s good design for sex. Sex is a gift from God, intended to be enjoyed within the boundary of marriage. While many people think this makes God sounds like a killjoy, he doesn’t intend for this to suffocate our joy, but to maximize our joy! Listen more:
Wisdom from Proverbs: Righting a Wrong
Conflict is inevitable. We don’t like it, but we also can’t avoid it. So how do we manage conflict in a healthy way?
The book of Proverbs offers us a lot of guidance. Listen as we learn how to address conflict wisely, and how our conflict-management can honor God!
Wisdom from Proverbs: Somebody to Lean On
In December we studied how God comforts us and offers peace, hope, and joy in our darkness. But how can we practically offer peace, hope, and joy to one another – especially to our friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors who are suffering?
This morning we look further in to Proverbs to see how the scriptures guide us in comforting those among us who are grieving and suffering. Ever wondered what to say when it seems like there are no words that could help? Learn what you can say to be helpful, and the things to avoid saying!
Wisdom from Proverbs: Work Matters
What does faith have to do with work? Quite a lot.
This morning we examine what Proverbs teaches about work, and we look to tie that in with the rest of scripture’s teaching about work. How can we work creatively, redemptively, and in a way that honors God? And does my work really matter to God?
Blue Christmas: The Word Became Flesh
“Joy to the World,” the song goes, but not everyone feels joyful during Christmas. What do we do when the lights—the festive music—the decorations—the cards—all tell us to feel joyful, but instead we feel darkness?
As we conclude our Blue Christmas series, listen to how the birth of Christ—the Word of God who became flesh—provides our truest and best hope in life, even when Christmas seems bleak.
Blue Christmas: Finding Joy in Darkness
“Joy to the World,” the song goes, but not everyone feels joyful during Christmas. What do we do when the lights—the festive music—the decorations—the cards—all tell us to feel joyful, but instead we feel darkness?
It can help to remember that joy is not based on our circumstances; it’s a gift from God. And the truest joy comes from God’s greatest gift: his son Jesus. Listen to hear how Jesus offers a transcendent joy in our lives, even in the middle of our darkness.
Blue Christmas: Finding Peace in Grief
Many of us feel varying degrees of grief during the Christmas season — the pain of a loved one who is no longer with us or the sting of a soured relationship. How do we reconcile the absence of loved ones or cherished relationships with the expectations of “holiday cheer?”
Listen to hear more about how Jesus offers a unique brand of peace in the midst of our grief:
Blue Christmas: Finding Hope in Anxiety
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” they sing. But not everyone feels that way. In fact, for many of us, Christmas brings mixed emotions.
For those of us who feel anxious during the holidays—whether about family, or about the future, or about anything else—what do we do when Christmas feels more blue than white?
Find out this morning how Christ gives us hope in our anxiety—even during the stressful holiday season.
Wisdom from Proverbs: Who's in Charge, Here?
Many things in life don’t turn out the way we thought they would, do they? Like our kids.
For better or worse, we can’t manipulate or control our children. But we can influence them. What do the Scriptures—and specifically the book of Proverbs—say about how to influence our children in a positive way? How do we parent our children in a way that helps them to flourish? Listen to find out more:
Wisdom from Proverbs: Do Unto Others...
It’s been said that the reason Jesus said, “Love your neighbors” and, “Love your enemies” is because they’re often the same person.
We often hear that God instructs us to love our neighbors. But how? And what does a spiritual friendship look like? Listen today to find out:
Wisdom from Proverbs: Mr(s). Right
Marriage is about finding Mr. Right, or Mrs. Right, right?
Although our culture says, “There’s somebody out there for you,” God turns the tables and teaches that marriage is not about who we find, but about who we become. How can we become a better spouse? Listen more: