We are excited to worship in person again! While returning isn’t the right decision for everyone, we believe it is right for many (namely, those who are healthy, low-risk, who are not caring for a high-risk person).
Our guiding principle is simple: we value others above ourselves. We take this from Philippians 2:3–4 — Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Christians readily lay down our own preferences, wants, and even needs for the benefit of others, as Jesus laid down his own life for us. Those of you who have worshiped with us recently have demonstrated this care through consistent mask wearing. Thank you!
If you choose to join us for our in-person worship services, you agree to follow these guidelines. If you are not comfortable with these, you can continue to worship with us online via Facebook Live.
In-person worship guidelines
In accordance with guidance from the CDC, the City of Portsmouth, and physicians in our church family, we no longer require individuals to wear masks during our worship services if they are fully vaccinated. Being fully vaccinated means two weeks have passed since either your second shot of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines or since the single shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
If you are not fully vaccinated, we ask you to follow the CDC's recommendations to wear a mask and keep a safe distance from others.
If you do not have a mask, we will gladly provide one for you.
If, during the worship service, your mask becomes unbearable, you can step out into the back entrance or outside, to catch your breath and cool off.
If you have been fully vaccinated and still wish to wear a mask or face covering, you are more than welcome to do so.
We continue to ask you to stay home if you feel sick—even if you think it is just a cold. Additionally, if you have allergies or tend to cough or clear your throat, please consider wearing a mask so you don’t make others uncomfortable.
We are taking the following precautions in our building:
We will not pass offering plates; instead we will have a box by sanctuary exit where you can drop off your tithes and offerings.
We will prop open as many doors as possible to avoid shared contact via door knobs.
Weather permitting, we will open windows in the sanctuary to promote fresh air flow and leave windows open before and after services.
Other notes
If you are high risk, please consult with your physician before you return to worship.
We will broadcast our worship services online for the foreseeable future so that anyone not able to join us in person can still participate.
If you feel sick, uncomfortable gathering, or have traveled recently, please stay home for the sake of everyone else.
Our guidelines change over time as we learn how best to stay safe. Please be flexible.
We will do everything we can to minimize your risk at the church building, but it is impossible to eliminate all risk. Therefore, you may still get sick by coming on a Sunday, just as you may get sick any other time you go out.