At last year's annual meeting the church asked the council to recommend to the church three options for a new logo. After nearly nine months of discussion and work, the we are pleased to recommend the three options below. We have shown them here in a variety of resolutions (including sizes commonly used on computers and the internet) so that you can see how the images look at different sizes. You can let us know your preference at the bottom of this page.
Alternately, you can choose your preference before or after the worship service on Sunday, October 8 or October 15. All we ask is that you vote only once. Thanks!
Stylized Steeple
This image of our steeple (and just the steeple) includes an angled view of the steeple, a slightly upward-looking perspective, and an oversized cross for emphasis.
Front View with Pediment
This image, with more detail and thin lines, takes a head-on look at the top of the main entrance of our church building, including both the steeple and the pediment.
Cross Icon from Steeple
This distinctive cross comes from the top of our steeple, the design adding just enough to be visually distinct and recognizable at many sizes and from a distance.
16x48 (bigger icon)
30x48 (bigger icon)
48x48 (bigger icon)
11x32 (icon)
20x32 (icon)
32x32 (icon)
5x16 (favicon)
10x16 (favicon)
16x16 (favicon)