The Big Picture

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we will move all gatherings (where possible) to an online format until further notice. This includes Sunday worship services, our Lent study, and Bible Study Fellowship studies. Seacoast Community Lunch will continue to serve lunch every Wednesday, but the meals will be takeout instead of a seated meal.

Sunday Worship

We will host our services online via Facebook Live, which you can find on our Facebook page. The services are public, meaning anyone can join us. You do not have to have a Facebook account in order to watch the livestream.

Seacoast Community Lunch

We will continue to serve Seacoast Community Lunch, although all meals will be “takeout,” instead of a seated meal. Lunch will still be served from 12:00–1:00 pm. We encourage our guests to find venues where they can eat together in small groups, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and yet still enjoy the community which the lunch provides.

Lent Study

Our Lent study will move to an online format. See our Lent Study event page for more details.

Bible Study Fellowship

Bible Study Fellowship will move to online classes until further notice. Contact Sharon Stone for details.